Friday, October 11, 2013

Way To Much Going On In The World

Things have been more than a crazy around here lately.

School is in full swing. And so are all the activities we do after school. Between Bit's ballet, Little Man's Scout meetings, tutoring, and therapy, and my Scout commitments...needless to say, I'm beat!

I start a permanent sub position in November that I just can't wait for. Which no doubt will complicate things in the Knobloch World. Jeff is already getting prepared to be the after school chauffer for the kids and I'm about to see how hard this whole working mommy thing is going to be.

But most of all, I'm loving life. I'm tired beyond comprehension most of the time. I'm beyond stressed out. But through it all, I can't complain. God throws things my way a lot and I figure I either better step up to the plate or get hit in the head with the fast ball (don't know where that sports analogy came from...I hate sports).

Like I said before, way too much going on in the Knobloch World. But I wouldn't want it any other way!