Saturday, December 14, 2013

The World Has Been Very Busy Lately

I just looked and saw that I haven't posted anything since October!

Goes to show how busy I've been lately.

I started a permanent sub position in November and have been going non-stop since. I have loved every single moment of being back in the classroom and look forward to the day I get to have my own class again.

On a sad note, on November 19, 2013, my nephew was shot and killed on the Liberty University campus in Lynchburg, VA. He was just 19 years old. He was in his first semester at the university and had his whole life ahead of him. We laid him to rest on November 26, 2013.

We still do not have any answers and with each passing day, I get more and more angry with that fact. But I am determined to remember him for the sweet, loving, young man he was to his family. I have decided not to read the trash that the press has reported about him and wait (impatiently) for the facts from the police. Every day I pray for my brother, sister-in-law, and his brother. They deserve answers and need to have some closure.

I know that his death will have a profound effect on our family for generations to come. We are determined to carry on his love of the Lord and his determination to make each moment count. I will forever be grateful for the time I had with him and look forward to the day when I will see him again. I know he is smiling down on all of us today. He is basking in the Glory of Our Lord. I know he is laying his crowns at His feet and is being rewarded for being a good and faithful servant.

So as you are going about your busy world, please hug your children often. Remember that our time on this earth is fleeting. Remember to make each day count. Remember that the real rewards are yet to come.

Blessings to all of you and your loved ones.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Way To Much Going On In The World

Things have been more than a crazy around here lately.

School is in full swing. And so are all the activities we do after school. Between Bit's ballet, Little Man's Scout meetings, tutoring, and therapy, and my Scout commitments...needless to say, I'm beat!

I start a permanent sub position in November that I just can't wait for. Which no doubt will complicate things in the Knobloch World. Jeff is already getting prepared to be the after school chauffer for the kids and I'm about to see how hard this whole working mommy thing is going to be.

But most of all, I'm loving life. I'm tired beyond comprehension most of the time. I'm beyond stressed out. But through it all, I can't complain. God throws things my way a lot and I figure I either better step up to the plate or get hit in the head with the fast ball (don't know where that sports analogy came from...I hate sports).

Like I said before, way too much going on in the Knobloch World. But I wouldn't want it any other way!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back To School Time

It's that time of the year again...

The time I honestly dread every year since my babies were old enough. When most moms can't wait to buy the new clothes and supplies, I'm having to drag myself to the stores to stock up on what they need. When most moms have giant smiles on their faces when they drop off their little munchkins on that first day, I'm sitting in my car with giant crocodile tears streaming down my face.

I honestly don't look forward to the first day of school. It's not that I don't love the idea of my babies learning something new, making new friends, and growing up (well I don't necessarily like the growing up part). I was a teacher after all. I just miss them being home with me.

I had my kids to be with them. I love spending time with them. I love taking them swimming, to the zoo, to the movies. I love listening to them laugh and play. I love staying up late with them to see the moon rise or to star gaze. I love taking summer trips to the mountains so they can fish, go canoeing, and go zooming down an alpine slide. I just love being with them.

So when the first day of school approaches, I get a little sad. I know it's another year of new ideas, new friends, new experiences. And that makes me smile for them. But I also know that means no more late nights and fewer trips. Between Boy Scouts, Scouting commissioner duties, ballet, tutoring, and therapy...we run non stop during the school year. Summer is my time to relax and enjoy the life I work so hard to keep.

So while the rest of my friends are getting positively giddy about crayons, markers, and pencils, I'm sitting with bags of school supplies with pain shooting through my chest. Back to school means a part of me is going to be missing from 8AM to 4PM Monday through Friday. And that is not something to get giddy about.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Not So Terrified Anymore

Well being terrified only got me no sleep and a stomach that couldn't stand any food for days. I decided that was just for the birds and sat down to talk to Jeff about my fears.

Glad I did because, as always, he made me see that he was with me every step of the way and that it would all work out. So, I had a screening interview to get back into the teaching world. It went better than I could ever had imagined.

The HR director for elementary was very positive with me and gave me some great feedback. And I had an interview with an elementary school as well. Although that one wasn't as stellar (didn't feel I did horrible but not outstanding either), I am happy that I faced the fear and got out there. If I get a job in the schools again, I'll be thrilled. But if I don't, I know that things are going to be fine.

I'm not so terrified anymore about going back to teaching. I'm sure I'll be terrified about a thousand other things in the near future. But until then, I'm just going to thank God for the blessings I have and continue to focus on my sweet little family. I'm going to be the best mommy I can and focus on enjoying the few days of summer I have left with them.

So for now, all is in right in the Knobloch world!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Confession Time

I am terrified right now!

Not just apprehensive. Not just unsure. Not just a little scared.

I am actually terrified right now!!!

I am in the process of going back to work. I've been out of the workforce for 11 years.

In 2001, I became pregnant with our first child. I was teaching at a small school district that I loved so much. I taught math, science, social studies, and health to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. The class sizes were small (in fact, the largest class was the 4th graders with a whopping 20 kids - 20 kids in the entire grade! Can you say DREAM JOB?). I loved teaching the kids and I loved the school and my fellow teachers.

So when we found out about the baby I just assumed I would continue working. I wasn't sure what we do but I figured we had 9 months to figure it out.

As the pregnancy went on, Jeff and I really felt that the Lord was calling me to stay home. We just felt it was the best thing for our baby and our family. So I resigned from teaching. I never looked back. Ty was the best baby and I knew being at home with him was where I was supposed to be. Four years later, Little Bit entered our lives. And again, I never thought I belonged any where but with them.

I have been so very fulfilled being a mom. Like I wrote before, I found myself after becoming a mom. I focused on my marriage and my precious babies. Teaching was fulfilling in its own way, but being a mommy was leaps and bounds above that.

Now, Ty is going into the 6th grade and Sydney is going into the 1st grade! (Wait a minute! When did that happen?!? He can't be 11 years old. She can't be almost 7 years old. There's no way this is happening!)

So where does that leave this stay-at-home mommy? Looking for a job, that's where. And like I said in the beginning, I'm TERRIFIED! I haven't taught since 2001/2002 and I can tell you, the schools are not the same at all. The public school system in Texas has dramatically changed in the past 11 years. Teaching has dramatically changed. Despite the fact that I have volunteered in my kids' elementary school since Ty was in Kindergarten; I still have no idea how stressful it is. I can imagine. I remember what it was like 11 years ago, but times are definitely different.

I was so busy being a mommy, I didn't take any professional development courses or continuing education courses. I worry that my lack of continuing education will hinder my ability to get back into the schools. I worry that I have tied my hands.

I know I really need to get a job again. But the idea of not using my education that my parents paid a fortune for, makes me sick. Teaching is a calling for me. I love it and honestly, I am good at it. Teaching comes naturally for me and I just can't see myself doing anything else (except raising my babies).

I also worry what getting a job will do to our family. How will it affect my marriage? How will it affect Ty and Sydney? How will affect my volunteer work with the Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout program? How will it affect me?

I guess all the worrying is senseless until I get a job but I can't stop. And the closer I get to the interviewing (first one is tomorrow, actually), I feel more overwhelmed. More terrified!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Welcome To The Knobloch World

I have a confession to make...

I never saw myself creating a blog. I thought honestly, who would care to read my thoughts, ideas, and feelings?

But then I got to thinking. Some day, my kids are going to wonder about me. They're going to wonder how I kept my sense of humor when they were driving me up the walls. They're going to wonder how I just rolled my eyes when their daddy was watching yet another YouTube video about yet another gun (I like to shoot too so no judging). They're going to wonder how I stayed sane despite the fact that sometimes I felt like I was going crazy.

So I decided I wanted a place where I could put my thoughts, my feelings, my ideas, on paper (albeit electronic). I wanted a place where my babies could one day look and realize...Yeah, Mom really was crazy! But we loved her anyway.

So here I am. I'm going to start by telling you about me and my world.

I live in West Texas - the Panhandle to be exact. I live about 45 miles from the town I grew up in. My folks still live in the same house they brought me home from the hospital to. I am the youngest of 3 children.

I married my high school sweetheart (yes, you read that correctly) 13 years ago. We dated for 7 years before we became engaged and have been going strong for nearly 21 years. Jeff is my world (inspired the name see?). I fell in love at 18 and never looked back. His devotion to me and our little family overwhelms me and also inspires me daily. If it were not for God's Grace and Jeff's love, I don't know where I would be or if I would be for that matter. I consider my husband to be the greatest gift that God has bestowed upon me. Marrying him, is the best thing I have ever done.

Our son, Ty, was born in 2002. He is the most compassionate child I have ever had the fortune to love. His empathy and love for others knows no bounds. Ty's struggles have challenged me to never lose Faith. I'm sure as time goes on, I'll explain what that really means. But just know that he is smart, funny, and full of life. He has his moments, but don't we all? However, he is by far, the best big brother in the world (aside from my own that is).

Our daughter, Sydney, was born in 2006. We call her Little Bit because she was so tiny when she was born. It stuck because she still is pretty tiny. Mostly, she is hilarious. And I'm not just saying that because I am her mommy. She is truly hilarious. She is smart, witty, and sassy! The child is a born princess with the confidence to own it! And she honed those skills at a very early age. She's everything I never was and never thought I wanted. But as we all know, God gives us exactly what we think we never want. And I praise him everyday for her.

Because of my kids, I am who I am. I found myself after becoming a mom. I discovered my artistic talents, my love for photography, and my desire to learn and teach. The teaching part of course was something I did before they were born (I have a bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education from Texas Tech University. GO RAIDERS! GET YOUR GUNS UP!!! ). But after becoming a mommy, I found out that teaching is truly a calling and not just a job. I hope to return to it soon. But for now...

I'm loving life in the Knobloch World!